Sunday 23 February 2014

Snow in Connecticut and a visit to Vermont.

On the Farmington Canal cycle/walking track for a Sunday walk.

Half the driveway done and hoping the sun will help to melt the ice. Yeah right!

Driveway half done and pathway done. Now for more driveway!

Snow and ice covered tree in Tim and Barb's yard at minus 25C! Pretty cool.

In David and Barbara Carter's home in South Hero. They both designed it. Magnificent view East across Lake Champlain

Trying my best at x-country not having done it since 1997. Went a bit over 3 kms.

The Carters home from the lake with Barbara and friend at the end of our ski.

06.30 and the sun is almost up over Lake Champlain. So beautiful.

Those are our tracks through the wind driven snow over 60cm of ice.
Hole fishing in that shack on the ice.

The Carters home with beautiful sunshine and 0 degrees Celcius.

I had such an amazing time with the Carters. Three magic dinners, the theater, a visit to the Vermont Legislature in Montpelier and meeting a senator, representatives and the Governor. Then I was given the honour of addressing the Rotary meeting in Burlington on the history of apartheid. Seems like my knowledge still has a use.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Mark and more snowfalls.

Mustang for William Tesner, the Mustang maiac. Not that I am not one!

Mark Browne being walked by Bobo the French Pointer. Mark is an Old Boy of 28 years.

An typical colonial style house in Short Hills, NJ

Found this house most interesting with mock Tudor elements

Mark and Liz and Oliver, Aidan and Declan Browne's home in Short Hills, NJ

Together after I taught him 28 years ago. Magic reunion. My first Old Boy visit on my trip around the world.

The morning after late night ploughing and shovelling. Tuesday 4th

Tim and Barbara's yard after snowfall number 4! 15 centimeters this time!

Need to learn the art of 'swivelling'! Dawn the morning after the latest snow.

The snow is beautiful and the trees look spectacular and it is still very cold. Minus 2 Celcius this morning, but the sun is out and today will warm up to 2 Celcius before another fat snow tonight and a drop in temperature again. It is serene and quiet until a snowplough thunders past, but that is fleeting. I am amazed at how many birds are out at the feeders in this cold, but it is wonderful to watch them all vying for best position on all the feeders.

I hope to be in NYC for the day on Thursday to see some more Old Boys who are there either on short visits or living there. I will also visit a friend of mine who I taught at the Archbishop Stepinac School for Boys in White plains, NY in 1997.

Great to be with Mark Browne in NJ seeing him for the first time since he matriculated. His Brother Shaun's son, Campbell was in one of my Grade 8 classes in 2013. Great to teach the next generation. Wonderful too to meet his three sons and Liz, his wife who was born in Short Hills, NJ, close to where they live now.

For those still at SACS and Old Boys, watch the progress on the Hofmeyr Hall garden as Alan Dawson creates something special. I cannot wait for the photographs and also to be there in 2015 to actually see this new development. Meanwhile, I will be planting trees in each town I visit from April as my little bit of good and helping the environment.