Friday 15 August 2014

A day in Windsor

Early morning start. One of the many such planters in Windsor. There are also so many hanging from lamp posts. Makes the town so bright and cheerful.

The Round Tower at Windsor Castle, the Queens weekend home. Union Jack aflutter showing that she is not in residence. She is at Balmoral for the Summer which is the crown's traditional Summer home.

Part of the castle where the queen lives.

The major quadrangle where the queen greets the visiting dignitaries. Immaculte lawns and gravel driveway.

Part of the Queens gardens in the old moat at Windsor.

Another part of the garden near to the principle entrance.

Entrance to the quadrangle at the sie entrance to the castle.

The entrance portico where the Queen enters and where all dignitaries enter.

Statue near the main entrance. Guard in the background left. I watched the changing of the guard the previous day. Forgot my camera, so have them on my Blackberry!

Look at this immaculate lawn! It is like a pluch carpet.

Walking down from the castle to domestic quarters and the chapel which is under restoration.

Could not resist. Jaguar Shooting Brake beloning to ???? at the castle.

New 'Gargoyles' for the chapel as the Victorian ones have crumbled.

Beautiful domestic accommodation in a Tudor style I believe.

One of the many, many tombs in the chapel. Beautifully decorated in a side chapel.

Another of the side chapels in the Windsor chapel of the Queen. I lit a candle here for David.

This poor guard had just put up with a mother and small daughter taking a selfie with him in it and she twice bumped him as she fiddled with her camera and the child kicked him and no word of apology from the mother! Just saying.

A view looking up towards the chapel and castle.

Part of the town of Windsor just outside the castle.

Browns Pub where the first 'Beers with the Old Boys' was to take place. Magic place.

The Quenns Swans as I sat eating my Bacon, Eggs, Beans, Sausage and Tomato. Next time Fish and Chips!

View from the High Street up at the castle.

Does this not look a bit familiar?

The old train station, now a pedestrian food mall. Superb eateris and coffee shops and restaurants and a very small train station way in the back now.

The Windsor High Street Chapel. I lit a candle here for David.

The Town Hall where William and Catherine had a reseption after their wedding.

Had to take this one too. An Audi RS 6. Looks pretty brutal and sinister. Love to drive it.

One of the many very nice pubs in Windsor. This one near the gate of the Long Walk.

The start of the Long Walk at Windsor Castle. It is 2.5 miles long to the Copper Horseman. I walked it yesterday and today.

The long walk towards the Copper Horseman on the Long Walk. Beautiful statue of the Copper Horseman at the end. Can you see it? Well I walked there to see it and on the first tiem got lost after turning left instead of right and had to take a taxi who robbed me by driving all the way around Windsor to Gwens house instead of just straight! Sucker.

The Queens corn field. It is a mile long!

One of the Queens magnificent set of three bulls. They are HUGE! Would not want to meet them close up in that field.

First in the row of many of the Queens farm staff cottages. So quaint.

Second of the Queens cottages in the road I walked adjacent to the Long Walk. The Crown has truly extensive farmlands and a massive deer park at Windsor. Also an amazing area of woodlands which goes on for miles and miles.

Back on the Long Walk.

At last. The Copper Horseman. Now only 2 miles left to go!

Some old growth Chestnut trees neatly trimmed along the bottom by the Queens Deer herd.

A look up into the forest where a massive flock of parrots lives. They were released by a film company after making a movie and they have thrived inspite of the terrible winters. They released 200! Now there are more.

And down through the Deer Park towards the town of Windsor. Boy did I really walk that far? And another mile to go.

A truly ancient Oak tree with a strap around the massive trunk to keep it in one piece as the centre is rotten. Just like the ones that were in the SACS Majot Quad, but here they won't fall on anyone. Many have fallen in the forest here. Sad.

One of the Queens villages in Windsor Park for her farm workers.

Sneaky shot into one of the Queen's farmyards. All pretty immaculate. She makes sure that her farms are neat, tidy, efficient and organic. There is a big Farm stall selling product from her estates. I have yet to go there, but I will.
The journey continues.