Wednesday 3 December 2014

North to South Islands train trip NZ

 This is a photo essay of the trip from Auckland to Wellington by train, Wellington to Picton by ferry and Picton to Christchurch by train.
I was shocked at how the influence of both the Moaris and Europeans had devastated the forests of both islands and thus destroyed so much valuable wildlife, from the Moas killed of by the Moaris to the introduction of rats, cats, stoats and Weasles had and is still devastating the natural wildlife of the major islands.
if only more was done by individual farmers to replace cleared land with trees and shrubs where that land is no longer used by the farmers as sheep numbers drop and cleared bare land is left devastated. Hence so many shots of surviving forest.
It is a beautiful country and it would be so easy to reinstate forests and help indigenous wildlife on the main islands.

An embankment of introduced broom shrubs. Hayfever deluxe!

Introduced Yellow Lupins have become a pest and are classed as a 'noxious weed'.

This was the las gorge before Wellington.

On board the Ferry, more like a small cruise liner, to Picton.

Approaching the South Island.

South Island for the first time.

Pine plantations where indigenous trees were cut and burned over the last 150 years or so.

Approaching Picton.

I found a Hosta in the Picton rown gardens. Amazing!

Vineyards for my brother and Graham Weerts.

One of the biggest Salt refineries in the Southern Hemisphere.

Not bad accommodation on the train.

These massive hedges are grown to stop soil erosion by wind on the Canturbury plains. They are dotted all over this countryside where crops are grown.

Last river into Christchurch and my furthest stop on this incredible journey. The journey continues.

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