Friday 28 November 2014

Sunshine Coast and Brisbane again

We went inland to the Glass Mountains. They are a series of volcanic plugs. This is Coonowrin

This is Beerwah.


Tunbubuvula Twins.

Coonowrin and Beerwah from a distance to get an idea of their proximity. They are each almost equidistant.

Into the rain forest. a small section remaining and jealously preserved.

One of the big Ficus trees in the rain forest.

And bigger!

And bigger still!

And much bigger still!

This is a massive Ficus that has swallowed a Euclauptus tree.

About the biggest in the forest.

Glass mountains at a distance.

The humungus Pineapple.

Uwe Leube and I before I left.

Back in Brisbane.

Australian version of the Dikkop/Thick Knee!

One of the many chess tables along the sidewalk at the Queensland University.

Goodwill Bridge accross the Brisbane River. Pedestrians and bikes only.

Maritime Museum.

Looking towards downtown.

Another view of the Goodwill Bridge.

South Bank lawns.

Bougainvillia Pergola that runs along the South Bank for about a kilometer.

Public vegetable garden.

Help yourself. Today it is parsley.

The public vegetable garden.


Up to date with technology!

South Bank public open space pool.

Another view of the pool.

The beach at the pool. I went into town, bought boardshorts and swam for hours. It was glorious.

Another view of the pergola.

Open gas barbecues for public use and nobody abuses them.

Brisbanes Big Eye.

The Nepalese Peace Pagoda.

whales in the ceiling at the Museum and their calls are played continuously.

South Bank.

Aboriginal painting.

Aboriginal head dress

Liked this one.

Liked this one too.

I like the format and their simplicity.

Strange way for an Elly to stand!

Stewart Webb and I

                                                                  Stewart and his young boy. Lookalikes! And the journey

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