Friday 3 January 2014

The snow has stormed.


Doug and his ride-on snowblower
 So I got to Doug and Christine's home at 10.30 just ahead of the storm and immediately drove Doug's TESLA. What an amazing and awesome car and to drive was incredible. It is very powerful and unbelievably smooth and handles like a sports car due to the low centre of gravity.

After a slide down the zipline (Foofie slide in SA) which is 100 foot long down the hill next to the house, we loosened the cable due to the storm.
We also had a swing on his 30m swing. Very cool in the freezing snow.

The snow came down in drifts through the night and by morning we had 8 inches deep.

Doug then took out the snowblower and cleared the pathway and cleaned the snow off the cars which he had taken up the hill the previous night.

Amidst much blowing, he cleared the drive and Christine could go off to do some work at the hospital.

This is their home the following morning, Friday 3
January. We are about to go sledding at Roosevelt
 Park with his twin boys, Sebastian and Nathanial
and daughter Madelaine.

Should be good in minus temperatures.
Doug's Barn

Doug and Christine's home

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